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Found 1625 results for the keyword community service. Time 0.085 seconds.
Community service is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its institutions. Performing community service is not the same as volunteering, since it is not always done voluntarily. -- Wikipedia Woden Community Service (WCS) | Not-for-profit organisationWoden Community Service (WCS) provides services across all age groups and throughout the community, from early learning to aged care services, supporting mental health and wellbeing, responding to homelessness, assisting
Brick & Mortar Community Service Organization KissimmeeBrick & mortar community service organization finance education and homeownership financial literacy classes tutor assistance in Central Florida
Contact Brick & Mortar Community Service Organization KissimmeeContact Brick And Mortar Community Service Organization Kissimmee Central Florida office financial literacy tax preparation homeownership classes
Community Service | Men s Garden Club of JacksonvilleThe Men s Garden Club of Jacksonville participates and provides support to the following:
Ways to Give | Brick & Mortar Community Service OrganizationBrick and Mortar community support Central Florida community service organization. Volunteers, ways to give, donations, help the community and more...
Community Service Mclean, Woodbridge VA | Skin Laser Dermatology CenMAC is a program for Prince William County, Manassas or Manassas Park residents below the age of 22. It is a free service to remove gang-related tattoos from those who had been gang-involved or were at risk of gang invol
Miami Dentist - Aventura dentist giving back to the community!Aventura dentist, Dr. Mark Weiss, believes in giving back to the community through community service
Texas Community Service AssociationThe Texas Community Service Association (TCSA) is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the State of Texas. It began operations in 1995 and was incorporated on March 18, 2008. It exists for the explicit purpos
Community ServiceSecurity Clearance CAN Change Your Life!
Smile for a Lifetime | Community Service | Booth OrthodonticsBooth Orthodontics is proud to be part of the Homer Glen area, and is committed to community service, including Smile for a Lifetime.
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